Artykuły techniczne

Remotely controlled transparency - Towards the digital shop floor

When optimising in-house processes, a remotely controlled shop floor information system can be the solution to improving inventory management, e.g. of assembly components. It enables the complete inventory within eKanban systems and the "supermarkets" supplying the factory to be digitally visualised. The system is very versatile, not least due to its wide variety of available wireless sensors.

Source: MY FACTORY (09/2022)

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Integration in information flow - Material supply: transparency from start to finish

Sensors have an important role to play in material requirements planning (MRP) for e.g. assembly lines. They detect the current stock status at the various assembly points and can then send a signal triggering needs-based material flow management. This works particularly well when the sensors transmit their signals within a wireless system developed especially for this purpose.

Source: Technische Logistik (05/2022)

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Wireless-based eKanban for the shop floor and logistics

The basis for uninterrupted integration of physical objects in state-of-the-art factories is a system which is perfectly adapted to the application in question. Facilitated by a wireless network, such systems enable data and information to be captured and made available to downstream intelligence. As real-life examples have already shown: investing in a wireless automated materials requisition system can prove cost-effective within just a few months.

Source: digital-factory-journal (2/2022)

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Remote material requirements planning using the pull principle

The replenishment of assembly components not in the managed inventory is a good place to start when digitalising and optimising the shop floor. For this task, a wireless-based automated materials requisition system is available to users. The cost and effort of installation and initial operation are manageable, the tools exists, and the benefits are considerable.

Source: dhf (01/2022)

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eKanban systems: remote replenishment

Flexible production and intralogistics requires an information flow which is also flexible. Cabled communication reaches its limits very quickly. Wireless networks are the ideal solution here, for example with eKanban systems such as those offered by companies like steute.

Source: etz (06/2021)

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Remote control increases versatility - Wireless switches and sensors for industrial applications

Eliminating cables can be beneficial for many different switchgear applications, with some fields even demanding that electromechanical switches and sensors be cable-free. Depending on the requirements in question, the solution can also be a wireless network.

Source: messtec drives Automation (05/2021)

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More flexibility with wireless communication - Increasing mobility for intralogistics

When tasks within the material flow are assumed by automated guided vehicle systems and mobile eKanban racks, communication has to be wireless. And it is crucial that integration of the wireless signals in the IT infrastructure of the user is seamless.

Source: Beschaffung aktuell (04/2021)

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Campus network with nexy: Same frequency for both AGV and eKanban

In flexible (serial) production, communication is increasingly remote controlled. With the steute nexy system, multiple applications such as AGV fleets and mobile eKanban systems can be integrated within a single wireless system.

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AGV: remote "wake-up" call. Networks for flexible material flow

Automated guided vehicles are the talk of the town. And in many situations they are not replacing industrial trucks, but stationary conveyor systems. A wireless network can put vehicles "to sleep" and then "wake" them again as needed. This saves energy and increases flexibility. The wireless system can also assume other tasks.


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Wireless rack communication: Optimised information flow in production and logistics

Flexible production and flexible intralogistics require flexible information flow. Here the limits of cabled communication are soon reached. Wireless networks are the better choice – for example eKanban systems. The company steute has developed a wireless network for such applications which meets intralogistics requirements. Read more here.

Source: f+h (09/2020)

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The aim: to monitor and control material flow

AGV are transporting materials, eKanban shelves are replenishing small parts: material flow is becoming more flexible and more mobile. Which means that new information flow solutions are needed. Andreas Schenk, Product Manager Wireless at steute Technologies, has some ideas.

Source: materialfluss (04/2020)

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Open or proprietary? Wireless networks for industry

When selecting wireless networks for their industrial production, many factory planners favour open rather than proprietary networks. However: this apparent contradiction begins to blur, the closer one looks. A comparison of the two systems shows why.

Source: NET (6-7/2020)

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