Press releases

steute at the LogiMAT 2025: automated material requisition system as „road map“ for AGV and AMR

At the LogiMAT 2025, the steute business division Leantec will be demonstrating how its automated material requisition system "nexy" assumes tasks within automated guided vehicle system-based…

Further development of nexy communication network / Automated material requisition: new functions for dolly applications

The wireless-based communication network nexy brings order and transparency to dolly fleet management. Typical uses include the supply of automotive production halls from "supermarkets" and FIFO…

Communication and material requisition system without hardware / nexy wireless network: Sensor Bridge for on-premise installation

With its platform "nexy", the steute business division Leantec has developed an automated material requisition system which facilitates uninterrupted and remote-controlled material flow monitoring and…

For material supply management using the nexy wireless network / New generation of wireless dolly sensors

In many production companies, dollies or rolling carts ensure that the material flow keeps moving. With the nexy communication network, dollies can become an integral part of the automated supply of…

Factory space triples / steute moves into larger production plant in Shanghai/China

steute Technologies GmbH & Co. KG is expanding its production capacity in China. The company with headquarters in Löhne, Germany, develops and produces high-quality switchgear, intelligent sensors and…

Everything in (the field of) sight: Wireless laser sensor for nexy wireless network

The nexy wireless network for monitoring and managing stock levels in intralogistics has expanded at the sensor level. The new RF LDS ZONE wireless laser sensor detects and monitors e.g. pallets and…

Laser sensor for "spot" detection of pallets and containers

With its nexy wireless network, steute has developed a complete wireless-based system for monitoring and managing stock levels in intralogistics. The corresponding range of wireless sensors is…

steute at the LogiMAT 2024: Automated material requisition system with extended functionality

The LogiMAT presentation by steute business division Leantec will focus on the latest generation of its automated material requisition system "nexy". The underlying task of this system – uninterrupted…

Wireless networks for assembly and handling processes

How can material flow be optimised in the final stages of the assembly process? Even with end-to-end, computer-controlled stock management, interruptions still often occur in practice because C parts…

steute Technologies restructures its business fields

steute Technologies, an international technology company for top-quality switches, intelligent sensors and innovative wireless systems, has announced a comprehensive restructuring of its business…

steute Technologies expands its Management

steute, an international technology company for top-quality switching devices, intelligent sensors and wireless system solutions for use in automation and medical devices, is changing its management…

New functions and components for the nexy communication network

With nexy, steute has developed a wireless automated materials requisition system which guarantees the uninterrupted flow of data and information in intralogistics and production. The system generates…